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The following documents can prevent unexpected problems: Power of Attorney Mom has a sudden stroke and is paralyzed and needs to be moved...
Failing to update your Will. The tax laws change very frequently and impact on the taxability of your Estate. Failing to update your Will...
Why do you need a Power of Attorney?
Robert A. Bernstein Esq. Law Office of Robert Bernstein LLC 1719 Route 10 Suite 204 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone 973-434-3300 Email:...
Why do you need a Health Care Proxy?
Robert A. Bernstein Esq. Law Office of Robert Bernstein LLC 1719 Route 10 Suite 204 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone 973-434-3300 Fax...
How Coronavirus Highlights the Need for Updated Legal Documents?
Robert A. Bernstein Esq. Estate Law Office of Robert Bernstein LLC. 1719 Route 10 Suite 204 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone 973-434-3300 Fax...
Finances When A Loved One Has Passed
The death of a loved one is a very traumatic event. People become emotionally distraught and sometimes angry and disoriented. Mr....
Same-Sex Couples And Estate Planning
There are many financial and legal issues which same-sex couples and gays and lesbians face which married heterosexual couples or single...
Why You Should Designate Power of Attorney. Estate Planning 101.
Power of Attorney is an aspect of Estate Planning which is overlooked too frequently. What would happen if you were suddenly seriously...
Elder Law
Mr. Bernstein is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and a member of the Elder Law and Disability Section of the New...
Advanced Directives And What They Guarantee You
In the event that you prepare a Living Will and later change your mind, you have the right to revoke your directive at any time. Usually...
What Is A Healthcare Proxy?
New Jersey law allows you to give someone you trust (and who knows your wishes) the authority to participate in discussions with your...
The Benefits Of A Living Will
A Living Will gives you control over the quality of your life by guaranteeing that your wishes regarding your own health care are carried...
Why Living Wills Are Not Just For The Elderly
Some people mistakenly believe Living Wills are of concern only to the elderly and seriously ill. This is not the case. A serious auto...
New Jersey Advance Directives for Health Care Act And How It Affects You
New Jersey has made an important decision affecting the quality of life for its citizens by enacting legislation that gives adults...
Special Needs Planning with Mr. Bernstein
Mr. Bernstein is familiar with the issues confronting parents with incapacitated children or the issues of disabled adults, both on a...
How Can We Help With A Living Will?
We typically assist with traditional estate planning to ensure financial assets and property are handled according to a client's wishes....
Why Should You Have A Living Will?
By preparing a Living Will, you can protect your family and loved ones from the anguish that arises when a patient's wishes aren't known....
September 20, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m. “Eldercare” – including end of life planning, estate planning
Friday, September 20, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m. Parsippany-Troy Hills Public Library – open to the public 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ...
Avoiding Financial Catastrophes
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 @ 12:00 p.m. Sanofi Aventis – private for employees 55 Corporate Drive, Bridgewater, NJ “Avoiding Financial...
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